Denise Moriama is a Freelance Illustrator and Designer

based in São Paulo, Brazil. With a passion for creating stunning 2D/3D illustrations and animations, Denise is dedicated to assisting healthcare professionals in sharing their knowledge through visual art. Her journey in the field of medical illustration began in 1999, and since then, she has excelled in producing precise and detailed illustrations that accurately depict anatomical structures, medical processes, and scientific concepts. With experience in publishing, Denise has collaborated with various publishers, including Medvet, Grupo Gen, and Editora Roca. These publishers release books in Brazil from renowned foreign publishers, such as Edra, SERVET, Elsevier, Wolters Kluwer, and Merck.
Denise Moriama Medical Illustrator Professional

In addition to her professional career, Denise Moriama is also recognized for her contributions in the field of medical illustration and scientific communication. She received an honorary distinction from the University of São Paulo (UNICID) in recognition of her outstanding merit and performance in the field of Graphic Design Technology. Her dedication to enhancing visual communication in medicine is evident in every project she undertakes.

Roberto Moriama Medical Illustrator Professional

Roberto Moriama is a designer and illustrator par excellence, an invaluable partner in every aspect, particularly when it comes to crafting images that expertly capture human interactions and objects from various perspectives. His wealth of experience spans the publishing industry, where he made significant contributions while working at Abril Publishing Company in Brazil throughout the 1990s. Denise Moriama greatly relies on his unwavering dedication and steadfast support.


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